Tamako Market, the 2013 slice of life anime by Kyoto Animation, is getting a vinyl soundtrack release later this year. Tamako Market is a delightful slice-of-life anime series that takes place in the bustling Usagiyama Shopping District. The story revolves around Tamako Kitashirakawa, an energetic and cheerful high school girl who lives with her family in their mochi shop called Tama-ya. Tamako’s life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters a peculiar talking bird named Dera Mochimazzi, who hails from a distant tropical island in search of a bride for his prince.
As Tamako goes about her daily life, helping out at the shop and spending time with her friends, she finds herself caught up in various amusing and heartwarming adventures. Alongside her best friends, Midori and Kanna, and with the support of her loving and quirky family, Tamako navigates the colorful and lively market, encountering eccentric shop owners and engaging in community events.
Throughout the series, Tamako learns about friendship, love, and the importance of cherishing the bonds that tie people together. With its endearing characters, charming humor, and a touch of romance, “Tamako Market” invites viewers into a heartwarming world filled with warmth, laughter, and the simple joys of everyday life.
In addition to the TV anime vinyl soundtrack, Tamako Love Story, the movie sequel to Tamako Market, will also be available on vinyl as are 12″ singles for the TV series opening theme “Dramatic Market Ride” and movie theme songs “Principle” / “Koi no Uta”. Head on over to HMV to secure your copies today. Orders are expected to ship October 2023.