Space Adventure Cobra Vinyl OST

Space Adventure Cobra is a classic anime series that has captivated audiences for decades with its thrilling action, gorgeous animation, and iconic soundtrack. First released in Japan in 1982, the series follows the adventures of Cobra, a rogue space pirate with a heart of gold and a powerful weapon known as the Psychogun.

As the series travels through space, Cobra and his trusty partner Lady travel from planet to planet, battling evil forces and righting wrongs wherever they go. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique story and motivation. From the sultry bounty hunter Jane Flower to the mysterious Crystal Boy, Cobra’s journey is filled with danger, excitement, and plenty of surprises.

One of the key elements that make Space Adventure Cobra so memorable is its soundtrack, composed by the legendary Kentaro Haneda and Yuji Ohno. From the pulsing rhythms of the opening theme song to the haunting melodies of the background music, the soundtrack is an essential part of the Space Adventure Cobra experience.

Now, fans of the series will have the chance to experience the music of Space Adventure Cobra like never before. In December 2022, the series’ soundtrack will be released on vinyl courtesy of French label Kana Music.

Pre-orders will go up on French e-commerce site FNAC on September 12, 2022 and albums are expected to ship December 5, 2022. If you’re a fan of classic 80s anime, this iconic soundtrack is a necessary addition to your collection.


Side A
01. Secret Desire (Instrumental)
02. Cobra
03. Escape to Peace
04. Pastoral
05. Cosmic Dust
06. Window Shopping
07. Rush Hour
08. My Blue Little Angel
Side B
01. Twilight Memory
02. Seesaw Game
03. Turning your Back on the Sunset
04. Mirage
05. Joyful Voyage
06. Special Moment
07. Whispers of the Devil
08. Secret Desire

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