ReLife is a captivating anime series that has enthralled fans around the world with its heartwarming storyline and lovable characters. And now, fans of the anime series can enjoy its amazing soundtrack on vinyl thanks to French label Kana Music.

The ReLife anime follows the story of Kaizaki Arata, a 27-year-old man who is struggling to find a job and direction in life. After a chance encounter with a mysterious Yoake Ryo, Kaizaki is offered the opportunity to take part in a unique experiment called the ReLife program. This program offers him the chance to go back to high school for one year, where he will be able to relive his youth and rediscover himself.

Throughout the series, viewers are taken on an emotional journey as they watch Kaizaki navigate the challenges of high school life, while also learning important life lessons along the way.

And now, fans of the anime can enjoy this amazing soundtrack composed by Masayasu Tsuboguchi. The vinyl LP will contain 14 tracks with 44 minutes of musical pieces from the anime pressed on blue vinyl. Pre-orders are now open at French site FNAC and are expected to ship March 21, 2023.

Overall, the ReLife anime and its soundtrack are a true testament to the power of storytelling and music. And with the upcoming vinyl release from Kana Music, fans of the series will have the chance to experience this magical world in a whole new way. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the anime or simply love great music, the ReLife soundtrack on vinyl is a must-have addition to any collection.


Side A
01. Let’s ReLIFE
02. ReLIFE Lab
03. Decision
04. Communication Sickness
05. Out of Line
06. Your Pace
07. How?
Side B
01. Intimate
02. Heaven and Hell
03. Somato
04. Could This Be
05. To Meet You
06. Raining Heart
07. Precious

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