BELLE, the 2021 anime film by Mamoru Hosoda’s (Summer Wars, Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), will see its soundtrack released on vinyl with pre-orders opening on May 12. The film’s soundtrack was composed by Taisei Iwasaki with contributions from Ludvig Forrsell (Death Stranding, Metal Gear Solid V) and Yuta Bandoh. The Milan store variant appears to be pressed on a blue and pink split vinyl variant, and presumably, there will be other variants yet to be announced from various vinyl shops. Also, the vinyl OST seems to only contain the English language versions of Belle’s vocal songs. No information has yet been provided on a release for a Japanese version of the soundtrack on vinyl.
Pre-orders will be available here on the 12th at 8pm PST. Other retailers pre-orders will go live on May 13. Stay tuned for more news on official release dates and additional variants.